Know  Thyself

In Ancient Khemet, (today known as Egypt) above the entrance of each temple and lodge serving as an academic and scientific learning center, appeared the phrase:

“Man Know Thyself.”

Respectful of gender issues, we simplify the phrase to: KNOW THYSELF.

Knowledge of self has always been the root of a complete and thorough education in the ancient Khemetic education or ‘Initiation System’ (called the Mystery System by western historians).

The word education comes for the Latin term, Educo / Educare (pronounced ee-do-sa-ray) meaning to lead forth, to bring out, and to rear up out of.  Thus, the true source of knowledge and education begins deep inside each person. Education is literally supposed to bring out the best in everyone. A good Education must recognize the students’ talents and interest. A good Education empowers them to excel at their strengths, while identifying and improving any weaknesses.  The foundation of a proper education is Knowledge of Self. We need only exercise honest personal analysis and correct weaknesses that may interfere with our purposes or goals.

Our ancestors of *Khemet carefully handled educating new students called initiates. (*Khemet, also known as Ta-Merry, is the indigenous name for the region of the Nile River Valley.) Before our Khemetic ancestors would permit the new initiates to even enter the sacred education process, the new students were first required to purge themselves of physical, spiritual and mental toxins. In preparation for an ancient education, the initiate had to undergo a cleansing. This included fasting, meditation and supplication to humble the inner spirit and harness the human passions.

Once one gains a full understanding and acceptance of personal tendencies, motivations, positives and negatives, the journey can begin toward applying the Knowledge of Self. This will empower us to access our inherent gifts from the Creator and cultivate the wisdom that is gained from personal, spiritual and academic experiences.


The word Paper comes from Papyrus. Paper was first made in Ancient Africa (known as Alkebu-Lan, among other indigenous names). The PAPYRUS plant is the source of the fibers used to create the first paper in the world and only grows along the banks on the Nile River.

Metu Neter, (pronounced ‘Medu Net-tear’) or sacred script, is the oldest writing in the world.  The Greek name, Hieroglyphics, is the most commonly used term for the first alphabet. Hieroglyphics are not only found in the Nile Valley , but also in the Grand Canyon, in South America, on remote South Pacific Islands, in China, Japan, Central American Yucatan Peninsula, and the Mississippi River Valley.

The first schools, universities and institutions of Higher Learning started in Khemet along the banks of the Nile River (the River of the God Hapi).

Most of the prominent Greek philosophers and scholars got their training or information studying in ancient Egyptian temples, tombs and lodges.  These philosophers included Herodotus, the Greek Father of History, who spent 23 years attending schools in Ancient Egypt. More notables include Thales, Anaximander, Pythagoras and Solon. They would slip out of Greece via Elea, near the Etruscan Peninsula (today called Italy), enter Alkebu-Lan (today called Africa) through modern-day Libya and pilgrim to the Nile Valley. Studying at the temples of Wa’rit and Waset, near modern day Luxor and Karnak Temples on the banks of the Nile River, was the greatest goal for scholars and initiates from all over the ancient world.

The world’s first hospitals, doctors and medical schools originated within Nile Valley Civilizations.


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