
Imhotep’s Information Exchange


Khemetic Facts to Ponder

The word Paper comes from Papyrus. Paper was first made in Ancient Afrika (known as Alkebu-Lan, Ta Merry, Mauretania, Carthage, Nubia, and Cush,.. among other indigenous names).

The PAPYRUS plant is the source of the pith, or fibers used to create the first paper in the world and only grows along the banks on the Nile River Valley. The plant genus can be traced to Madagascar and adjacent regions on the continent near Manumutopa (today, Mt. Kilimanjaro.)

Metu Neter, (pronounced ‘Medu Neter’) or sacred script, is the oldest writing in the world.  The Greek name, Hieroglyphics, is the most commonly used term for the first alphabet.

The first schools, universities and institutions of Higher Learning started in Khemet along the banks of the Nile River (the River of the God Hapi).

Most of the prominent Greek philosophers and scholars got their tra
ining or information studying in ancient Egyptian temples, tombs and lodges.  These philosophers included Herodotus, the Greek Father of History, who spent 23 years attending schools in Ancient Egypt. More notables include Thales, Anaximander, Pythagoras and Solon. They would slip out of Greece via Elea, near the Etruscan Peninsula (today called Italy), enter Alkebu-Lan (today called Africa) through modern-day Libya and pilgrimage to the Temple of Abydos in the Nile Valley. Studying at the temples of Wa’rit and Waset, near modern day Luxor and Karnak Temples on the banks of the Nile River, was the greatest goal for scholars and initiates from all over the ancient world.

The Birthing chair, along with the world’s first hospitals, doctors, and medical schools originated within Nile Valley Civilizations.

Imhotep, the world’s first multi-genius, was called ‘Imouthes’ in Greece and deified as Aesculapius, the Greek god of Medicine. Today, most doctors are aware of the Hippocratic Oath and its pledge referencing the Proverb-maker, Imhotep.

Loosely translated, “He who Cometh in Peace”, Imhotep was Chief Physician and Grand Vizier (Prime Minister) to King Djoser, the Egyptian Pharoah in the 3rd Dynasty (5345-5307) B.C. But, he was more than just a noble statesman and doctor. Imhotep was also an astronomer, mathematician, engineer, poet, musician, philosopher, and the architect who designed and constructed the first stone building, the step pyramid of Sakkara near Cairo, Egypt, defining architecture for the world.



His Imperial Majesty:

Malcolm X

Haile Selassie